Best practice: Das OAS WEBvisuPORTAL

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OAS WEBvisuPORTAL is the unlimited cloud automation solution, at one or more providers / data centers, for all applications and programs in our product portfolio.

Best practice: The OAS WEBvisuPORTAL was used in the Rheinhalle Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen to modernize the building automation system and to set it as cloud-based via the portal. The entire heating and room air technology can now be monitored and operated via the web browser-based portal. OAS supplied all hardware and software components for the renewal of the building automation - including the integration into the "WEBvisuPORTAL".

You can find out more about this and the individually offered 3D modeling of the building complex here: Clouddienst OAS WEBvisuPORTAL

We are happy to advise you!



