Niagara4You: ProSystems informs about software solutions


For the first time, ProSystems also presented itself to the trade fair audience at Light + Building 2022. "Niagara4You" - under this motto the development partner of OAS demonstrated its software solutions for the open system future.

ProSystems is direct partner and authorized developer for Tridium's Niagara 4-Framework® in Germany.


The great competence and the broad know-how spectrum became visible at the trade fair. The product portfolio of ProSystems ranges from powerful and individual software solutions, interfaces, applications, drivers and utilities to customer-specific development services. The visitors learned in many technical discussions what a significant part the development of intelligent building solutions has for the open system future. With ProSystems, it became clear, the integration of the Niagara Framework into the product portfolio of manufacturers of the most diverse components for technical building equipment can be realized.
