UPDATE: Graphic Library powered by Niagara Framework® for OAS Supervisor Utilities


ProSystems, the certified Niagara developer alongside OAS, presents its "Graphic Library" for the Niagara 4 Framework® based OAS Supervisor Utilities Application.


OAS partners and users thus use the "Graphic Library" to rationally create standardised and complex graphics of energy and building management systems. Working with the OAS Supervisor Utilities within the Niagara Workbench becomes even more effective with the "Graphic Library". The library provides widgets with a modern user interface for selecting functions and properties.


The "OAS Graphic Library" developed by ProSystems is an update for the OAS Supervisor Utilities and a collection of graphics and widgets from building services engineering. For the entire technical building equipment (TGA) such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology as well as room automation - graphics are provided for all important applications. Sensors and actuators are just as available as pop-ups with Niagara standard functions and interfaces for numeric, Boolean and other data point types.

In order to make the best use of all the innovations of the OAS Supervisor Utilities and to display them optimally, our "Graphic Library" uses the latest web technologies offered by the Niagara Framework®.

  • HTML5, optimised for web browsers
  • Pop-up available in the web view
  • Integrated engineering via the Niagara Workbench
  • Widgets can be integrated by dragging them into PX files without additional detours
  • all widgets configurable
  • Integration into existing Niagara applications

The user interface of the widgets is easy to use and descriptive. Devices, components and installations can be operated directly via the graphic elements created above them. The application and placement is done via the PX sheet, which also enables logical links behind each widget. Through the consistent use of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) technology, our "Graphic Library" enables extended possibilities for perfect animations of values and states.

The highlight: All graphics can be created for certified OAS partners in the OAS Web Configurator in our portal solution. From the cloud-based OAS Web Portal solution with the OAS Plant Configurator, the graphics can be created and outsourced in advance. With the next update of the OAS Supervisor Utilities, the graphics created in the cloud can be imported into the Niagara Supervisor (BMS) project. 
